Monday, July 7, 2008

Menstrual Irregularity: Treatment for early Menopause

What is Menopause? Menopause is not a strange disease or an infirmity that sucks our sleep and life. In other words, the change or the halt of the menstrual cycles results in menopause. If the menopause stops before the age of 40 then it is called the early menopause. It is stated in the research that nearly 15%of the women are affected by early menopause.

If the ovaries in women run out of the functioning eggs then it results in menopause. The symptoms of early menopause are very much similar to that of the natural menopause. The symptoms of early menopause are: rapid decline in estrogen. The reduction in the count of estrogen makes you easily affected by early menopause. The women may experience several symptoms during this period. Some of the symptoms are hot flushes, night sweats, aches and pains, itching sensations, head aches, tiredness, reduced sex drive, frequent urination, depression, loss of sleep, forgetfulness, inactiveness, vaginal dryness etc. The emotional problems are also related to the early menopause. The women who undergoes surgical menopause also experienced the symptoms of early menopause.

The Pelvic surgeries such as hysterectomy causes early menopause. Some of the women feel uncomfortable during sexual intercourse it is also a symptom of early menopause. The depression in mind is also one of the reasons. It can be overcome when one relax their mind by talking with the counselor.

The recommended tips for the early menopause treatment are:

 Relieving of menopausal hot flashes by hormone therapy. The hormone therapy naturally reduce the hot flashes, vaginal dryness, slowing bone loss, improve sleep, and reduce mood swings.
 The hot flashes can be reduced by Gabapentin, and it is an approved one to treat seizures.
 Cyclical therapy where the count of estrogen can be improved by taking pills or a patch.
 The emotional burst out resulting in the high blood pressure is one of the main reasons. It can be treated by taking pills or patch like Clonidine.
 The estrogen count can be administered locally by using vaginal tablet, ring or cream.
 The intake of Soy that contains phytoestrogen can help women to overcome early menopause.
 The intake of medications and drugs that contain bio-identical hormones can free the women from early menopause. It is highly recommended for the women to undertake treatments only after proper consultation with the doctors.
 The Estrogen therapy is also available in the market. It can be taken either as pills or the food items that have estrogen are highly recommended. The estrogen prescribed for you can be taken orally so that it get directly into the GI track and end up predominantly as estrogen.
 Regular physical exercise will relieve or help us to free from the discomforts of menopause. It is highly recommended for the women to have strong, healthy and fit physic.
 The intake of healthy food items that has fats, vitamins and calcium are important to increase the count of estrogen.
 There are also some ayurvedic, herbal and acupuncture treatment to overcome the problems of early menopause. These treatments are highly advisable as they have no side effects.
 Progesterone is another therapy used to treat early menopause. It is either synthetic or in forms of pills. It should be taken orally to overcome the emotional ups and downs of women. It helps a lot to free women from high blood pressure.

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